The new fashion colours

Compression as colorful as life - inspired by nature.

Wel­co­me to BEL­SA­NA


BEL­SA­NA is one of the best-known providers of sup­port and com­pres­si­on stockings. High qua­li­ty, a wi­de ran­ge of co­lours, ma­de-to-mea­su­re si­zes and fast de­li­ve­ry help phar­macis­ts and specialist retailers en­su­re the optimum application of com­pres­si­on the­ra­py. This ex­cel­lence is ba­cked up by the com­pany’s ef­fec­ti­ve ran­ge of ca­re pro­ducts, on­go­ing trai­ning and de­ve­lop­ment pro­gram­mes for per­son­nel, and re­gu­lar in­for­ma­ti­on events.


We in­vi­te you to find out mo­re about BEL­SA­NA. Should you have any ques­ti­ons, re­quests or sug­ges­ti­ons, we would be plea­sed to hear from you.

Compression stockings with recycled yarn

Our microsoft compression stocking quality is made partly with recycled Q-Cycle® yarn from used tires.

Virtual Experience

Discover our BELSANA & Ofa Bamberg Digital Trade Show


Modern compression stockings for men.

BELSANA evo®lution

Sustainable compression stockings with bio-fibres.

BELSANA impuls

Flatknitted compression stockings with the natural properties of Merino wool.